Top Sleep Tips

1. Stick To Your Schedule

One thing you need to do is to stick to a consistent schedule. When you are looking to optimize your sleep, a routine is always best. You want to give yourself a routine that you can follow day in and day out. Your body operates using an internal clock. This is known as your ‘circadian rhythm.’ Because of this, you want to ensure that you keep your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle as consistent as possible. You can do this by waking up at the same time every day and going to sleep at the same time.

By regulating your sleep and wake time, you can enhance the bodily processes that contribute to you waking up and falling asleep easier. Your body will know when it’s time to wake up and when it’s time to wind down. This can keep you falling asleep faster and waking up feeling refreshed.

2. Control Your Exposure To Light

When you are looking to improve your sleep, you will want to focus on when and where you are exposed to light. Your body wakes up when it’s exposed to bright light. That’s when your body knows it’s daytime. Thus, you want to try to expose yourself to light as soon as you wake up. The opposite is true for when you are looking to go to sleep. Avoid exposing yourself to artificial blue light because it can simulate natural light to your body. This can cause you to stay awake because it tricks your body into thinking it’s daytime.

The best way to do this is by avoiding all exposure to blue light at night. This means not using your mobile phone, tablet, or anything with a screen. If you must use electronics at night, download an app like f.lux which can help to minimize your exposure to blue light on your screen. Some phones come with a baked-in application or setting that you can use. Also, you could get special blue light blocking glasses that will help. You will find that sleep specialists typically advise you to stop exposing yourself to blue light through your electronic devices as much as two hours before you are going to sleep. If you are someone that reads at night, try to use warm light to wind yourself down.

3. Exercise During The Day

When you are looking to improve your sleep, try to get a lot of your exercise in during the day. Exercise is something that can boost your sleep tremendously. However, you don’t want to do it too close to your bedtime. Otherwise, you risk stimulating yourself which can keep you up at night. Getting routine exercise in your daily life can help to minimize issues associated with sleep apnea and it can even help to reduce insomnia.

By exercising, you can increase your heart rate and your body’s core temperature. You can excite both your endocrine and nervous systems. If you do need to work out at nighttime, try to do so at the same time on a nightly basis. Also, try to keep it short and to the point so you don’t find it too difficult to wind down afterward.

4. Optimize Your Bedroom

One of the tricks to getting better sleep is to optimize your bedroom so it’s conducive to quality sleep. You can do this by making subtle changes to your bedroom. These can include adding blackout curtains to keep the light out, adding air conditioning or a fan to cool you down, and even investing in quality and comfortable bedding read these Sleep Number iLE mattress reviews.

5. Set Your Temperature Properly

As mentioned, you can get a lot of benefits from simply adding an air conditioner to your bedroom. The fact is your body’s temperature drops by as much as a degree or two before going to sleep. Because of this, your body will have much less work to do to help you fall asleep if your body is already at a comfortable temperature. Ideally, you want to stick to around 20 to 23 degrees Celcius to give yourself the best chance to fall asleep quickly.


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